Since 1925
The VAN ZELST GROEP is founded in 1925.
From its inception, there is the realization that the company exists by virtue of its customers and its suppliers.

Full service
The VAN ZELST GROEP offers a full service concept.
The design and production of stamping tools for your own production or for production by Van Zelst.
Larger series with the help of a follow-on cutting and bending die produced on fast, fully automated eccentric press lines with capacities ranging from 40 to 800 tonnes.
The VAN ZELST group can provide assembly of products and surface treatments, such as degreasing, galvanising, epoxidising, hardening and painting.

Through listening and asking we try to reach the key point. Our goal is to come to a win-win situation.
In short: experts in solving your problems!

Van Zelst Groep
Spinfondsweg 5, NL-8171 NT Vaassen
Press Work: +31(0)578 - 74 56 00
Tools: +31(0)578 - 56 13 14
E-mail: info@vanzelstgroep.nl